Mindee Flippin, MD
New Beginnings
Get Back To The Things You Love Faster and Without Having Major Surgery.
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Mindee Flippin, MD
Get Back To The Things You Love Faster and Without Having Major Surgery.
Our Locations
New Address
5704 Spencer, Amarillo, Texas 79109
Serving The DFW, Amarillo and Lubbock Areas.
Research has shown that regenerative therapies can provide relief from a variety of conditions. Some of these include knee pain, shoulder pain, neck and lower back pain, muscle, tendon and cartilage issues. Regenerative medicine also shows promise and has been able to help in several other areas of inflammation, degeneration and immune system issues. For the most safe and effective course of action, you need to schedule a case review and consultation with Dr. Mindee. The review and consultation will help us to develop a course of action that will help us achieve a meaningful result. Just click the button above or call to schedule a consultation.
Dr. Mindee Flippin Has Done Over 3,500 Regenerative Therapy Treatments.
For decades, the healthcare industry has depended on medication and surgery to help with the treatment of various conditions and diseases. However, the emergence of autologous regenerative medicine lessens the demand for pain and related medications, operations, and is providing improved quality of life.
TruDOSE is a point of care platform, developed by Bridging Biosciences, that utilizes artificial intelligence powered software to customize the PRP treatment to the unique biologic needs of each patient.
Platelets contain growth factors that are vital in the remodeling of damaged tissue. They are responsible for surveying your body for threats that could impact your health.
When prepared properly, a concentration of platelets with their healing elements and growth factors can help treat a wide range of injuries and conditions.
In the absence of concentrating, it is unlikely that diseased or chronic tissues or conditions are capable of repair and restoration.
PRP Therapy is often subject to controversy. Hit or miss success reported by both physicians and patients alike have brought the reliablilty of PRP into question. This is because the right dose is the most critical factor in tissue repair and restoration. Dosing inaccuracy (overdosing or underdosing) is the main reason PRP therapies have inconsistent outcome success. TruDOSE is tailored specifically to the unique biology of each patient for an accurate dose every time. Only the TruDOSE Protocol utilizes the VASCO cell counter to determine your baseline platelet count at the time of the procedure then validates the PRP concentration before injection.
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